Al Mandoma Al Motajadidah Company
for information technology
Where creativity leads a smart life
A leading company in the field of information technology, training and development, services, training programs and distinguished workshops. It also has its own products and seeks through what it offers to reach the best always. It strives to keep its business up to date and in continuous development with its goal to include Its services are for everyone, and it expands from the local to outside Libya. It also has a base of customers. It participated in conferences inside and outside the country, and it obtained certificates, awards, and an arrangement in it.
- Agent for Connect Ai - United States
- Agent for I TES LAP - Tunisia
- Agent for Veilux - United States
- Agent for 2M Technology - USA
Since its inception in 2012, the Renewable System Company for Information Technology seeks to be one of the most important technology companies in Libya. It has also worked to expand its field of work and increase its cadres and equipment to cover the work requirements with international specifications.
The Renewable System Company for Information Technology and Consultation works to put its clients on the list of priorities and to provide them with distinguished services. We have a wide base of clients across Libya who trust their capabilities, whether in the public or private sectors.
سرعة عالية
We can start working in the vicinity, which qualifies us for the largest projects.
latest news
Big projects completed
Projects in progress
charitable projects
Implementation of projects related to the field of information technology, including programming and development of programs, the field of networks, information security, protection, electronic platforms and websites. The company works with national and Arab elements qualified to work in the field of information technology and under the supervision of engineers with experience in this field and in the field of operation and maintenance of hotels
- ERP + HR cloud and accounting systems programming
- Programming electronic stores and smart phone applications
- Organizing training courses and workshops
- Electronic equipment maintenance
- Monitoring and protection devices
- Information technology consulting
- E-Marketing
- Website programming
- Network hardware programming and installation
- Importing computers
تقنية المعلومات
تميزت شركة المنظومة المتجددة لأكثر من عقد بكافة خدماتها في هذا المجال كما إنها شركة مواكبة للتطور و تقديم الأفضل في البرمجة و التصميم و الذكاء الاصطناعي و الأمن السيبراني
تقدم شركة المنظومة المتجددة عدة دورات و ورش عمل في مجموعة من التخصصات المتنوعة و كل هذا باعتمادات دولية و خارجية و وجود مستشارين و متعانين ذو خبرة و كفاءة مع منحها شهادات معتمدة متعددة
إدارة المشاريع
لشركة المنظومة المتجددة فريق متمكن و مستشارين متخصصين في إدارة المشاريع بشكل متكامل من التخطيط الاستراتيجي و التسويق له إلى وضع و تنفيذ و متابعة كافة التفاصيل فيه
Almandoma Almotajdidah Company for Information Technology is a company that exists for a decade in the field of technology with sufficient knowledge of development in Arab and international countries and has contracts and dealings with Arab and European companies. It is a department concerned with providing high-quality consultations and training programs to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, upgrading the level of trainees, granting them internationally recognized certificates, and raising competencies to become ready to keep pace with the local, international and global labor markets, thus making the economy better continuously.

Success Partners
Our company works to put its customers on the list of priority and to provide them with a distinguished service and one of the most important customers of the company