
Implementation of projects related to information technology

professional website design

web sites Design

electronics maintenance

We care about the maintenance of electronic devices

Programming smartphone applications

Design applications for all systems

Arithmetic systems

The best program for accounts and stores with multiple activities, branches and stores, with distinguished technical support

Network programming and installation

Network design - Network installation - Network hardware programming

Protection and monitoring devices

We provide the newest ways to protect you


We meet our customers and provide them with what they need at reasonable prices and high quality

Artificial intelligence

We work in everything related to artificial intelligence

cloud systems

Systems that are installed on a cloud environment to be under a system that reduces operating and maintenance costs and the purchase of hardware parts


We keep pace with development and offer you the best

Al Mandoma Tech

A system that works with small and large stores with the ability to use it on the mobile phone and provide periodic updates with continuous support.

e-university ‏‏ElEbdaa system

The student is able to download his materials and register. It also opens the door for correspondence between all parties, including a student and a faculty member. We also provide an electronic archiving system with a personnel management system and an electronic library.

‏‏ElEbdaa System (Accounting System - Commercial)

This system enjoys ease of use, clear interfaces, accurate calculations, and accuracy in performing all tasks. It is a system that includes all the details of purchases, stores and sales. It also contains the financial matters of employees such as salary statements, bonuses and discounts, and includes a complete accounting tree with the presence of All financial and statistical reports that allow you to rely on them to make decisions in your field of work, as the creativity system has been designed and includes interfaces specific to the field of manufacturing, in which you will find all matters related to the field of manufacturing that will facilitate your work.

Babcom online market

«Babcom» is designed and is an application that contains a comprehensive electronic market that meets all needs of goods and services for customers, Department stores and shops can subscribe with Babcom and exhibit their goods and services using BabCom e-shopping Platform online.

There is a set of rules/rules set by the main portal/platform to simplify the electronic wholesale and trading platform.

Customers can search for a product, good or service by subscribing to this application and then place an order to purchase it online.

الدفع الالكتروني

It is a platform for electronic payment and transfer of funds away from paper money “cash”, which is a system provided by financial and banking institutions to make the electronic payment process safe and easy, This system is characterized by its being subject to the laws, which make all financial movements take place in complete secrecy, to ensure the protection and security of the user.
وتمتاز هذه المنظومة بخضوعها للقوانين، التي تجعل كافة الحركات المالية تتم فى سرية تامة، لضمان الحماية والأمان للمستخدم.

صــحّـــتـــي تــــــك

مساحة مخصصة لك للكشف الطبي عن بُعد دون حاجتك التنقل أو الخوض لإجراءات الحجز الروتينية و ذلكك بمتابعة حالتك الصحية و إقامة جلسات علاجية و التّواصل مع أطباء محليين و دوليين في أي مكان في العالم مع إمكانية الاستشارات الطبية التخصصية.

Head office

Tripoli Branch

طرابلس - شارع جرابة